Road to College – Georgina

September 19, 2019

My name is Georgina Jimenez and I am a senior at Alpha: Cindy Avitia. Follow me on my journey to college!

I have been a student at Alpha: Cindy Avitia since the 9th grade. Similar to many students at my school, I will be the first in my family to attend college. My dream school is UC Santa Barbara. The campus is beautiful and it has the two majors that I’m really interested in – Political Science and Biology. I’ve always loved science but now that I’m in AP Government, I’ve become really interested in policy and lawmaking. I still can’t decide if I want to be a doctor or a lawyer but that’s what college is for right? I’ll have the opportunity to take different classes and see where that takes me. 

I’m currently on the girls’ soccer team and have been since the 9th grade. I’ve been the captain since my Sophomore year. Looking back on the last 3 years, my biggest regret is not knowing how important my grades were in 9th grade. I didn’t even know what a GPA was when I first came to Alpha: Cindy Avitia. Had I known that it would have such a big impact, I would have studied harder. Once I understood how GPA worked, I buckled down and was laser focused in all of my classes. I’ve been able to improve significantly but still wish that I would have had the same level of enthusiasm when I first started here. 

I have a younger brother who is currently a freshman here. I tell him everyday how important grades and GPA are so that he wouldn’t make the same mistake I did. 

Being the first in my family to attend college is both exciting and nerve racking. My parents immigrated to this country so that my brother and I can have a better life, filled with choice and opportunity. They tell me to not worry about money and just focus on school. They’ve been saving their whole lives so that I can make my dream of attending college a reality. I want to make them proud and show that all their sacrifices were not in vain.

These next few months are going to be really busy with SATs coming up and applications due. I’m thankful that Alpha has been so supportive and active in SAT prep. We had 4 weeks of SAT dedicated prep last year where we learned test taking tips and tricks. I will continue to do lots of practice tests! Wish me luck!

The last thing I’ll say is that for students in the younger grades, care about your classes and your GPA. You’ll really regret it if you don’t. 


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